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Superior-Douglas County is a community that fosters the growth and development of local
businesses. With a growing network of local business and organizations to serve your business
needs, a good environment for your employees to work and play in, and an emerging industry
of local business. The area offers a lot of resources to help grow your business.


Business and tax exemptions

Local businesses benefit from three active Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) Districts that lower the cost of property taxes around areas of Superior. Businesses are evaluated on an individual basis of tax incentives and economic assistance.


Tax Credit and incentive programs in Manufacturing and R&D

Businesses involved in establishing new technologies or manufacturing processes can receive tax credit as deemed eligible by an evaluation committee.


A Customized Labor Training program also allocates grants of up to 50% the cost of training employees up to $2,500 per employee for business in new technologies. These grants can cover costs in trainee classes, training materials and trainer costs.


Competitive worker compensation rates

The average cost of living in Superior-Douglas County is lower than the rest of the state of Wisconsin, and much lower than major cities. Your business can get access to skilled labor at a lower cost, making your production processes more efficient.


Support for organizations employment needs are available throughout the community through programs like the Wisconsin Job Service which offers low cost, customized organizational policy handbooks, job descriptions, performance-based evaluation systems, employee/management workshops and training, exit interviews, employee service and a variety of other employee support programs.


Lower electric, commercial and industrial water and sewer rates

Through partnership with local government agencies, the association can secure lower electric, commercial and industrial water and sewer rates for local businesses.





1401 Tower Avenue #309

Superior, WI  54880


T: 715-392-4749

C: 218-310-9887 

© 2023 The Development Association

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